CreateArgs: {
    asset: Signer;
    authority?: undefined | Signer;
    collection?: undefined | Pick<CollectionV1, "publicKey" | "oracles" | "lifecycleHooks">;
    dataState?: undefined | DataState;
    logWrapper?: undefined | PublicKey<string> | Pda<string, number>;
    name: string;
    owner?: undefined | PublicKey<string> | Pda<string, number>;
    payer?: undefined | Signer;
    plugins?: undefined | CreateArgsPlugin[];
    systemProgram?: undefined | PublicKey<string> | Pda<string, number>;
    updateAuthority?: undefined | PublicKey<string> | Pda<string, number>;
    uri: string;

Type declaration

  • asset: Signer

    The address of the new asset

  • Optional authority?: undefined | Signer

    The authority signing for creation

  • Optional collection?: undefined | Pick<CollectionV1, "publicKey" | "oracles" | "lifecycleHooks">
  • Optional dataState?: undefined | DataState
  • Optional logWrapper?: undefined | PublicKey<string> | Pda<string, number>

    The SPL Noop Program

  • name: string
  • Optional owner?: undefined | PublicKey<string> | Pda<string, number>

    The owner of the new asset. Defaults to the authority if not present.

  • Optional payer?: undefined | Signer

    The account paying for the storage fees

  • Optional plugins?: undefined | CreateArgsPlugin[]
  • Optional systemProgram?: undefined | PublicKey<string> | Pda<string, number>

    The system program

  • Optional updateAuthority?: undefined | PublicKey<string> | Pda<string, number>

    The authority on the new asset

  • uri: string

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